Dec 02 2009
New Film “Belonging” Calls for Spiritual Ecological Awareness
Coinciding with the Climate Conference in Copenhagen is the release here in Los Angeles of a new film called Belonging by Gerard Ungerman and Audrey Brohy, narrated by Dustin Hoffman. Belonging shows how decades of modern industrial practices have warmed and polluted the Arctic with resulting blowback effects on the rest of the planet. During this time of several ongoing and religiously-tinged wars, Belonging iterates that each faith system actually has a tradition of ecological stewardship. The reality is that if we humans do not drastically reduce our environmental negligence we may render the planet uninhabitable for ourselves. The film has its Los Angeles premiere as part of the Artivist Film Festival on Friday December 4th at 7:30 p.m. at the Egyptian Theatre, 6712 Hollywood Blvd.
GUEST: Gerard Ungerman, film maker
For more information, visit, and
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