Mar 12 2010
FAIR Takes NYT To Task Over ACORN Videos
On Wednesday a US District court judge determined once again that Congressional efforts to cut off funding to the organization ACORN were unconstitutional. Judge Nina Gershon simply affirmed her December 2009 decision in the case prompted by a series of undercover videos by two rightwing activists, James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles. In fact, when carefully viewed, the version of the undercover videos that have been made public are heavily edited with responses by ACORN employees sometimes taken out of context. In recent months O’Keefe has claimed on various talk shows that he showed up to the ACORN offices wearing an outlandish stereotypical pimp costume and that inspite of that, the ACORN employees helped him concoct false tax claims to hide a prostitute’s income. Now, the media watchdog group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, is taking the New York Times to task for reporting on numerous occasions that O’Keefe was in a pimp costume when the videos were taken, instead of the button-down shirt and slacks he really was wearing.
GUEST: Peter Hart, activism director at FAIR, co-host of FAIR’s radio show Counterspin, heard Sunday afternoons at 1:30 pm on KPFK.
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