Mar 23 2010

Subversive Historian – 03/23/10

Subversive Historian | Published 23 Mar 2010, 9:25 am | Comments Off on Subversive Historian – 03/23/10 -


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Eric Drooker The Enabling Act of 1933

Back in the day on March 23rd, 1933, Adolf Hitler consolidated his dictatorial powers in Germany through the passage of the Enabling Act. Euphemistically titled the “Law for the Removal of the Distress of People and Reich,” the legislation effectively dissolved any notions of democratic governance in the European country and firmly entrenched Nazi rule. The shift in the political dynamic was enacted by way obtaining a two-thirds vote in the parliamentary body known as the Reichstag. Through intimidation tactics imposed during an earlier election, the Nazis were able to secure the necessary political support – and then some – to solidify Hitler’s rule. Supreme authoritarian powers were granted for a four year term through the legislation.

Of course, such provisions never really see their sunset and the Enabling Act was renewed in 1937 and continued until the fall of the Third Reich. Nazism enjoyed the veneer of democracy solely as a means to its nefarious, anti-democratic end.

For Uprising, this is your truth professa’ saying it’s no mystery why they conceal our people’s history

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