Apr 16 2010

Subversive Historian – 04/16/10

Subversive Historian | Published 16 Apr 2010, 9:50 am | Comments Off on Subversive Historian – 04/16/10 -


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Eric Drooker Jose Carlos Mariategui

Back in the day on April 16th, 1930, Peruvian essayist, political philosopher and activist Jose Carlos Mariategui passed away at the early age of 35. Despite the brevity of his life, Mariategui’s accomplished much in a short span of time and is regarded as one of the most influential Latin America socialist thinkers of the last century. His first foray into leftist politics came as a young publisher of La Razon newspaper. It was through its pages, that Mariategui supported the university reform movement and Peru’s emerging working class struggles. Later in life, he established the Socialist Party in 1928 and became its General Secretary. In November of that year, Mariategui cemented his philosophical contributions by publishing “Seven Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality.” It has been considered the first historical materialist analysis of Latin American society.

In this most well-known work, Mariategui argued that the indigenous agrarian collectivism of the Incas would form the basis of socialist transformation in his country.

For Uprising, this is your truth professa’ saying it’s no mystery why they conceal our people’s history

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