Apr 27 2010
Arizona’s Anti-Immigrant Law Sparks Calls for Non-Compliance, Boycotts
SB 1070, the draconian anti-immigrant bill in Arizona was signed into law by Governor Jan Brewer on Friday and has sparked outrage from communities across the US. It has also provoked a stern response from President Barack Obama who called it “misguided” as well as some members of Congress like Arizona Democrat Raul Grijalva, who urged outside groups to take their conventions to other states. In fact San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors is considering a resolution to void contracts with companies based in Arizona, and some news media are reporting that Arizona hotels have already been affected, with guests canceling planned trips because of the law. Reverend Jim Wallis, President of Sojourners, the largest progressive Christian network in the US, on Friday vowed not to comply with the law calling it a social sin.
GUEST: Rev. Jen Kottler, Director of Policy and Advocacy at Sojourners, Gustavo Arellano, Staff Writer with the OC Weekly, Author of the ‘Ask a Mexican” column and book, Host of the 3 O’Clock Report Heard on KPFK every Thursday.
Find out more at www.sojo.net.
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