Sep 10 2010
Learn, Don’t Burn, Says Muslim Right Group
After making headlines last night saying he was canceling a highly controversial Qur’an burning, Pastor Terry Jones today said it could happen, though was unlikely. He told a reporter this morning, “We are seriously, seriously, seriously considering not burning the Qur’ans.” In his televised press-conference on Thursday evening Terry Jones said he was canceling the burning after reaching an agreement to have the so-called “ground zero mosque” moved. Florida’s Imam Mohammad Musri yesterday immediately said he had not negotiated an end to the New York Cordoba House Muslim center with Jones. The Florida Imam said he would arrange a meeting between Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf in New York and Pastor Jones for tonight, and Jones is hedging on his commitment to cancel until the two talk. Jones was apparently moved to reconsider the September 11th burning after receiving a phone call from Defense Secretary Robert Gates and a visit by the FBI yesterday.
In response to the rise of anti-Islamic sentiment and hate crimes against Muslims and mosques around the country, the Council on American and Islamic Relations, or CAIR, is launching an education campaign. In a press-release CAIR said evidence shows that when people learn about the Islamic faith they are less likely to have anti-Muslim prejudices. CAIR’s education campaign includes a detailed tool-kit on how individuals and communities can respond to anti-Muslim actions on September 11th and beyond. The group is also gathering 200,000 copies of the Qur’an to be distributed, calling the action “Learn, Don’t Burn”.
GUEST: Zahra Billoo, Public Relations Director, CAIR – San Francisco Bay Area
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