Nov 10 2010

Federal Commission on Oil Spill Agrees 90% With BP’s Assessment

Feature Stories | Published 10 Nov 2010, 11:10 am | Comments Off on Federal Commission on Oil Spill Agrees 90% With BP’s Assessment -


BP commissionThe Federal commission established to investigate the events surrounding the BP oil spill announced some of its preliminary findings. On Monday Fred Bartlit, the lead counsel of the Commission, said his panel’s ability to assess the objective truth is hindered by its lack of subpoena power. According to its government website, the Commission was created on May 22nd of this year to, “Examine the facts and circumstances to determine the cause of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster”. Bartlit said he is receiving conflicting testimony from the three companies involved, BP, Halliburton, and Transocean. He said when testimony is not given under oath, he is not able to, “cross-examine and find out what’s believable and what’s not believable.” Politico reports that the Senate has not yet voted on the proposal to grant the Commission subpoena powers. The House approved it over the Summer. In spite of the legal obstacle Bartlit expressed confidence in his preliminary findings, saying so far his commission agreed with 90% of BP’s internal investigation. He also drew criticism when he said there was no evidence yet that BP intentionally put profits before safety. Bartlit reiterated that BP would be held responsible for actions that led to the explosion.

GUEST: Tyson Slocum, Director of Public Citizen’s Energy Program

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