Mar 31 2011

Obama’s Energy Policy Speech Riddled with Inaccuraries, Misstatements

georgetownPresident Obama laid out his new vision for a national energy policy yesterday at Georgetown University, calling on the U.S. to cut oil imports by one-third over the next ten years, and reiterating his goal for producing 80% of the nation’s electricity from clean energy sources by the year 2035. Pushed by high gas prices at the pump, Obama explained that there were “no quick fixes” and that a long term energy policy would have to be adopted, namely his “Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future.” Obama also focused on energy alternatives to oil: natural gas and biofuels, with a footnote mention of wind and solar energy. He also promoted electric and hybrid vehicles. A significant part of his plan involves increasing domestic oil production. The President has backed off from his campaign promises of taking a market approach to alternative energy technologies, using a cap-and-trade method for companies to reduce their green-house gas emissions, and investing heavily in clean energy technologies. Congressional gridlock over the past two years coupled with the economic recession, has put an end to that discussion. His post-campaign plan to rely more heavily on off shore oil drilling and nuclear energy has also taken a huge hit with last summer’s BP oil spill and the recent Japan earthquake and nuclear disaster turning public opinion. Despite this, the President in his speech yesterday continued to defend nuclear power as being a “clean” source of energy. Media coverage of the President speech has been uncritical however, accepting the premise that oil dependence will continue into the future, and that nuclear power is the only significant viable alternative to oil. But, according to a Stanford scientist, the planet’s entire energy needs can be met through renewable energies. In an article published in Scientific American, Mark Jacobson, a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, proves that the nearly zero-pollution energy sources of Wind, Water, and Solar, can power humanity’s needs by the year 2030.

GUEST: Mark Jacobson, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University

Read Mark Jacobson’s article here:

One response so far

One Response to “Obama’s Energy Policy Speech Riddled with Inaccuraries, Misstatements”

  1. Davidon 31 Mar 2011 at 11:29 am

    He said nothing about building energy storage systems which could decrease the demand for carbon based fuels in electricity production and help to reduce the overall amount of nuclear waste.

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