Aug 15 2011

Hundreds of Thousands Draft a New Contract for the American Dream

Feature Stories | Published 15 Aug 2011, 9:31 am | Comments Off on Hundreds of Thousands Draft a New Contract for the American Dream -


Fed-up with economic policy rooted in anti-tax and anti-government ideologies, three progressive organizations teamed-up this Summer to create what they call, a new “Contract for the American Dream.” Move-On.Org, Rebuild the Dream, and United for a Fair Economy asked progressive Americans to create an economic plan to, “[b]uild a diverse and broad middle class, and decrease economic inequality.” The response was overwhelming. Over 130,000 people shared their ideas through an innovative crowd-sourcing strategy. Ideas were developed online, and at 1600 house meetings held around the country this past July. The result is a 10-point plan that nearly 250,000 people have signed-on to. The Contract lays out key steps to bolster the economy, including, “[securing] Social Security, …[ending] the wars and [investing] at home, and [offering] medicare for all.” In partnership with United for a Fair Economy, the plan includes a restructured tax system. Proving that extreme no-new-taxes lawmakers don’t represent all Americans, this proposed system calls for an end to tax cuts for the rich implemented under President Bush, and extended in December under President Obama. Stronger punishments for tax dodgers and a restoration of the estate tax to pre-2010 levels, are also priorities. The increased revenue would be invested in public infrastructure, education, and job creation. Beginning last week, the Contract for the American Dream is being presented to members of Congress as they meet with constituents during the August recess.

GUEST: Natalie Foster is the Co-Founder of

Read and sign the Contract here:

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