This week on Uprising — Mark Levine on Tunisia: The First Revolution of the Arab Spring Faces Elections – Black Agenda Report on the Occupy Wall Street Protests – Report Finds Sharp Increase in Health Insurance Premiums – Uprising EXCLUSIVE: Two Members of the Irvine 11 Share Their Story for the First Time
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On Monday, we’ll get a report from the weekend gathering at the LA City Hall, dubbed ‘Occupy Los Angeles,’ organized in solidarity with the ever-growing ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests in New York. And, Chris Ketcham joins us to discuss the city-specific economic context for the Wall Street occupation. Plus, a major development in Newhall Ranch has angered local activists – we’ll find out why. …
The “Occupy Wall Street” protests, now entering their third week, are poised to get a whole lot bigger than its core of 200 to 300 people, potentially even exceeding the protesters original goals of 20,000 demonstrators, thanks to recent pledges of support from some of New York City’s largest labor unions and community groups.
On Tuesday, over 700 uniformed pilots, members of the Air Line Pilots Association, took to the streets outside of Wall Street demanding …
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Check out Rooftop Underground a blues , rock, grunge band from Roseville, CA. We featured his song “Broken Bones” today on Uprising.
Here is in a video for their song, “I’m Not Like You”
More about Rooftop Underground at
If you know of an independent musical act you’d like to see featured on Uprising, send an email to …
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Click “listen to this segment” to hear an extended interview with the Irvine 11 students.
An Orange County jury on Friday September 23rd found ten of the so-called Irvine 11 students guilty of disrupting a public meeting and conspiring to disrupt a public meeting. The misdemeanor charges were brought over their actions during a speech by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren on …
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Click “listen to this segment” to hear an extended interview with Mark Levine.
The first country to overthrow its ruler, setting off the Arab Spring revolts, is facing the first test of its revolution. Tunisia will hold elections on October 23rd, to pick an Assembly that will write a new Constitution. Tunisia’s long-time ruler Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was overthrown …
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Taking a deeper look at current and past films and how they relate to the world today. Jonathan Kim is an independent film critic who writes and produces film reviews for Uprising and other outlets. He is a former co-producer at Brave New Films.
Read his reviews online at Watch his videos at, …
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“Rebellion without truth is like spring in a bleak, arid desert.” – Khalil Gibran …
An Orange County jury on Friday September 23rd found ten of the so-called Irvine 11 students guilty of disrupting a public meeting and conspiring to disrupt a public meeting. The misdemeanor charges were brought over their actions during a speech by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren on the campus of UC Irvine in 2010. Members of the Muslim Student Union stood up one after another during the speech, interrupting Ambassador Oren from speaking, and walked out, to be arrested. UC Irvine’s administration disciplined the Muslim Student Union by suspending its charter for one quarter and placing it on probation for 2 years even though they maintains that they, as a group, did not organize the action. However Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas picked up the case as a criminal matter, charging the individual students with conspiring to commit a crime and for disturbing a meeting. The case of the Irvine 11 has been seen as a test of how far students can go in their on-campus protest actions, and also of racial and religious discrimination faced by Muslim students on campuses. The ten UC Irvine students faced up to a year in prison, but ended up being sentenced to 56 hours of community service, fines, and probation.
Bank of America, the nation’s biggest bank, said on Thursday that it planned to start charging customers a $5 monthly fee when they used their debit cards for purchases. It was just one of several new charges expected to hit consumers as new regulations crimp banks’ profits.
Wells Fargo and Chase are testing $3 monthly debit card fees. Regions Financial, based in Birmingham, Ala., plans to start charging a $4 fee next month, while SunTrust, …
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