Sep 12 2011
Israel Arms Settlers Amid Palestinian Statehood Bid
The Israeli embassy in Cairo, Egypt was attacked on Friday by hundreds of Egyptians who tore down the building and its flag. The incident has peaked tensions between Egypt’s transitional military government and Israel after the killing of three Egyptian soldiers on the border by Israel, for which Israel has not apologized. Israel is also facing serious tensions with its other former regional ally, Turkey. Turkey just expelled Israel’s ambassador in the latest tensions over the killing by Israeli forces last year of 9 Turks aboard a ship with the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. These regional crises coincide with the attempt by Palestinian officials to gain recognition for statehood at the United Nations. The Israeli Ha’aretz newspaper has reported that Israel is readying settlers in Palestinian territories for possible clashes with Palestinians after the anticipated UN General Assembly vote on Palestinian statehood. The settlers are being trained by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in the use of tear gas, stun grenades, and crowd dispersal techniques as part of the military’s ‘Operation Summer Seeds.’ The United Nations General Assembly is expected to formally recognize Palestine during its upcoming session, beginning on September 20th. Israel is warning of “mass disorder” and possible confrontations with Palestinians following the vote. An IDF spokesman told Ha’aretz the settlers were being trained for, “readiness for possible scenarios” from a “defensive standpoint.” The documents acquired by Ha’aretz detail the IDF’s strategy of establishing two lines around Settlements. If Palestinian demonstrators cross the first line, they can be fired on with tear gas. If the second line is crossed soldiers may shoot the legs of demonstrators. Palestinians do not have access to the maps. Meanwhile, the Israeli government is dealing with yet another domestic crisis – anger from its own citizens. Over 400,000 protestors turned-out across Israel on Saturday September 3rd as part of ongoing demonstrations over the summer, rallying behind the slogan: “The people demand social justice.” Among the grievances of Israelis are the high cost of housing, transportation, childcare, food and fuel, and low wages.
GUEST: Max Blumenthal, is an award-winning journalist and bestselling author. His articles and video documentaries have appeared in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Daily Beast, The Nation, Electronic Intifada,, Al-Jazeera English and many other publications. He is a writing fellow for the Nation Institute and blogs at Al Akhbar English. His book, Republican Gomorrah: Inside The Movement That Shattered The Party, is a New York Times and Los Angeles Times bestseller.
Read Max Blumenthal’s work at
2 Responses to “Israel Arms Settlers Amid Palestinian Statehood Bid”
How much more can Israel arm these hoodlum para-military Settler low lives that live on the dole from the US financed Jewish 1/2 acre of Zionist hell government and walk around with US Army issue M-16’s, gas masks, sound grenades and weaponized CS tear gas looking for trouble with their contigent of IDF thugs close behind just in case they bite off more than they can chew.
Palestinian statehood: It will be a new beginning for the Palestinian people and the ‘beginning of the end’ for the Jewish parasites who seem to have less and less people to worry about them with their murderous human rights record and with all the murdered, maimed and displaced Palestinian men, women and children who’s only crime is to be living on the lands that the Jews believe (from they bibile stories that their mothers read to them when they were but mere little venomous vipers learning how to kill and eat grasshoppers and other bugs while waiting for their fangs to grow and their demon-like tails to split to help them keep their balance as they ran after the grasshoppers and toads.
Yassar, time has passed – and as time moves ahead we will see these murderous animals looking for new horizons to conquer as they have over the last 3,000 years since their ancestors, the infamous 13rh tribe Kahzars that left Kahzaria in the black sea/Cacasus area in 540BC to destroy Czarist Russia, then to Poland and Germany and finally Spain where the Spanairds found these disgusting ‘worshippers of the Golden Calf with all their usurious tricks and kicked them out to North Africa where yet more peole have suffered under the control of the arrogant incorrigibles.
Let us pray that on their next fforced migration they head for the Artic circle, Alaska, or maybe the jungles of Angola or what was once Rhodesia, a land that should appeal to them with its history of racism and the apartheidnik way of life.
Noam Chomsky had a great assessment of the Palestinian statehood bid on Democracy Now! this morning. He said that if the U.S. vetoes, it’s another indication that they are not willing to solve this problem. Here is the link to the Democracy Now! interview: