May 02 2012
May Day Activities in New York Lead to 50 Arrests
May Day protests took place around the nation as you just heard on Activist Beat. The cities of Oakland and Seattle saw militant marches that ended in tear gas and arrests. Actions also took place in Chicago, Atlanta, and many other cities. New York’s May Day actions were the largest in the nation with tens of thousands of people gathering all over Manhattan including in Bryant Park where Rage Against the Machine Guitarist Tom Morello led an “Occupy Guitarmy,” as he called it, down fifth avenue, singing labor protest songs. Various groups marched in different parts of the city, including in front of a Bank of America office where there was a face off with police officers in riot gear. Overall, more than 50 people were arrested.
GUEST: Nathan Schneider, editor of the website Waging Non-Violence. On Monday he wrote a piece for titled Mapping Out May Day and he will have a piece published on about May Day events.
Click here to read Nathan’s article in Harpers.
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