“We may feel powerless in the face of the ruthless corporate destruction of our nation, our culture, and our ecosystem. But we are not. We have a power, as the Occupy encampments demonstrated, that terrifies the corporate state. Any act of rebellion, no matter how few people show up or how heavily it is censored, chips away at corporate power. Any act of rebellion keeps alive the embers for larger movements that follow us.” — …
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We’ll spend the hour with acclaimed veteran foreign correspondent and best-selling author Chris Hedges, about his new book – a collaboration with Joe Sacco – called Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt. We’ll discuss what Hedges calls, the ‘sacrifice zones of capitalism,’ and how the Occupy Wall Street movement signals the revolt has begun. …

Check out Mohammed Alidu and the Bizung Family, a world music band based in Los Angeles, CA. We played their song “Land of Fire” today on Uprising.
More about them and streaming music at www.reverbnation.com/mohammedalidu
If you know of an independent musical act you’d like to see featured on Uprising, send an email to mail@uprisingradio.org.
Uprising’s Music Curator is Chris Bennett …
The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that their 2010 Citizens United decision, allowing unlimited corporate spending on political campaigns, applies to state and local elections as well as national ones. The decision struck down a 100-year-old Montana law that forbade corporations from spending money on political candidates or parties in state elections. Montana’s campaign law was enacted in 1912 to …
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In the early hours of the morning on June 28, 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar located in New York City’s Greenwich Village, in one of the many state sponsored crackdowns on gay communities during the sixties. The Stonewall raid did not go as planned however, when patrons gathered outside the bar and began protesting. The spontaneous …
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The Rio +20 Earth Summit came to a close last Friday with a final declaration that environmental journalist George Monbiot called “283 paragraphs of fluff.” Monbiot’s lament on the tepidly titled document,”The Future We Want,” is common among those surveying the lack of results from the week-long climate change summit attended by participants from 130 nations, but missing key …
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The Activist Beat with Rose Aguilar, host of Your Call on KALW in San Francisco is a weekly roundup of progressive activism that the mainstream media ignores, undercovers, or misrepresents.
Two very different religious groups are taking their messages directly to the people.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops recently started a two-week crusade, claiming religious liberty is under assault. These …
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Check out Tumbleweed Wanderers, a band based in Oakland, CA. We played their song “Roll With The Times” today on Uprising.
More about them and streaming music at tumbleweedwanderers.com
If you know of an independent musical act you’d like to see featured on Uprising, send an email to mail@uprisingradio.org.
Uprising’s Music Curator is Chris Bennett …
A long awaited ruling yesterday by the US Supreme Court on Arizona’s controversial law SB1070 is being criticized by immigrant rights activists. Carlos Garcia with the advocacy group “Puente Arizona” said, “For now, racial profiling is law in Arizona.” Garcia’s summary of the mixed court ruling reflects a widespread belief that the court sanctioned racial profiling by upholding the so-called …
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Solar energy is extremely popular in California. A survey earlier this year in Riverside and San Bernardino counties found that a majority of people were concerned about climate change and nearly 80% of respondents supported local development of solar energy.
However, the cost of installing solar panels on rooftops is prohibitive particularly for low-income Californians. In response, the Sierra Club …
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