Feb 08 2013

AlJazeera: Sexual abuse of children ‘rampant’ in India

Newswire | Published 8 Feb 2013, 8:45 am | Comments Off on AlJazeera: Sexual abuse of children ‘rampant’ in India -


The Indian government has failed to curb the rampant sexual abuse of children, especially in schools and state-run child care facilities, a rights group said.

Human Rights Watch (HRW), in its report released on Thursday, cited the recent fatal gang-rape of a young woman on a New Delhi bus in December, an attack that shook the conscience of the nation and forced people to introspect on the way women are treated in India.

The outcry forced the government to rush through new laws to protect women.
Confronting India’s culture of rape [Al Jazeera]

A government panel appointed after the attack to examine the country’s treatment of women also shone a light on the high incidence of child sexual abuse and the failure of the government to ensure the implementation of child protection laws.

Child rights activists say the government needs to implement the panel’s recommendations on preventing child sexual abuse as well.

The new report from HRW said such abuse is disturbingly common, government responses are falling short in protecting children and in treating victims.

The report urges the government to ensure rigorous implementation of child protection laws and strict monitoring of child care facilities.

It calls for an end to traumatic medical examinations and insensitive treatment by police and other authorities, which subject victims to further distress.

Click here for the full story.

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