Uprising’s Wednesday guest expert Arun Gupta, Independent journalist and regular contributor to AlterNet, Truthout and The Guardian,and co-founders of the Occupied Wall Street Journal and The Indypendent, analyzes today’s news headlines:
“Six women activists from Greenpeace are in the process of scaling Western Europe’s tallest building, known as the Shard, in a protest against the oil industry’s drilling in the Arctic.” Few American corporate media are covering it. And, Shell oil released a statement saying, “We respect the right of individuals and organizations to engage in a free and frank exchange of views about our operations.”
The New York Times is reporting this morning that “sudden improvements” are being seen across Egypt just days after the ouster of Mohammad Morsi – the article suggests that conditions essential to the public such as police, electricity and gas, were purposely scarce during Morsi’s rule and have “miraculously” returned.
A new report released this morning shows that home foreclosures dramatically fell by 14% in June compared to the month before. This is being touted as continued evidence that the economy is improving.