Jul 16 2013

LATimes: Catholic Church lobbies to avert sex abuse lawsuits

At the height of the clergy sex-abuse scandal in 2002, Catholic leaders stayed silent as California lawmakers passed a landmark bill that gave hundreds of accusers extra time to file civil lawsuits. The consequences were costly.

California dioceses paid $1.2 billion in settlements and released thousands of confidential documents that showed their leaders, including Cardinal Roger M. Mahony of Los Angeles, had made plans to shield admitted molesters from law enforcement.

Now, state legislators are considering a bill that would give some alleged victims more time to sue. But this time, the church is waging a pitched battle in Sacramento to quash it.

A group affiliated with the church has hired five lobbying firms and spent tens of thousands of dollars fighting SB 131. Opponents argue that the bill unfairly opens the church, the Boy Scouts, and other private and nonprofit employers to lawsuits over decades-old allegations that are tough to fight in court. Two bishops have visited the Capitol to argue their case to the bill’s chief author.

In the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the campaign extends to the very top. Archbishop Jose H. Gomez warned parishioners last month in the church newspaper that the proposal “puts the social services and educational work of the Church at risk” and urged them to press their lawmakers to scuttle it.

The church, Gomez said, “faces deep challenges from the government” and cited the proposal as an example without explaining what it would do. “Let’s pray for our religious freedom … and let’s exercise that freedom by contacting our legislators about SB 131,” he wrote.

Click here for the full story.

One response so far

One Response to “LATimes: Catholic Church lobbies to avert sex abuse lawsuits”

  1. Judy Joneson 16 Jul 2013 at 8:14 am

    Catholic church officials spends millions of dollars to lobby against removing the statute of limitations for child sex crimes.
    So they can not say this is about victims getting money and it will bankrupt the diocese.

    The reason they do not want the statues opened up so that victims can have their day in court, is because they do not want secret documents subpoenaed and the bishops and cardinals do not want to have to sit on that witness stand and dare to tell the truth. Their crimes of cover up would be exposed, their power diminished, and they might even land themselves in jail.

    It is time to get this abuse stopped. Sex abuse thrives in secrecy and secret systems that allow it to continue to this day, so silence is not an options anymore, it only hurts, and by speaking up there is a chance for healing, exposing the truth, and therefore protecting others.

    Judy Jones, SNAP Midwest Associate Director, USA, 636-433-2511.
    “SNAP (The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests)

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