Aug 06 2013

Daily News Flash for August 6, 2013

Daily News Flash | Published 6 Aug 2013, 9:59 am | Comments Off on Daily News Flash for August 6, 2013 -


Uprising’s Tuesday guest expert Robert Jensen, Author and Professor of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin., analyzes today’s news headlines:

American unmanned drones dropped a bomb in Yemen today, killing four men in a car – the fourth such attack in less than 2 weeks. The men killed in the car were suspected of being members of Al Qaeda according to anonymous US sources. The bombing comes at the same time that the US State Department has pulled its staff out of the US Embassy in Sana, and warned other US citizens to immediately leave the country due to potential terrorist attacks.

Most of the 166 men still imprisoned in the US-run prisoner facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are from Yemen. Today is the 6 month anniversary of a hunger strike by inmates in protest of their conditions and the fact that more than half of them have been cleared for release but continue to remain imprisoned. The US has been force feeding the inmates, a practice considered to be torture.

A shocking development in media consolidation has been the purchase yesterday of the Washington Post newspaper to Jeff Bezos, the owner of Even the Post’s own staff were surprised by the purchase. The $250 million sale worries some who say that Bezos has no experience in running a paper and that his lack of transparency in running Amazon is worrisome.

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