Aug 13 2013

Rev. Rick Hoyt on Why His Church is Suing the NSA

As Americans reel from the extent of the NSA’s domestic surveillance program, a feeling of overwhelming helplessness can accompany the flood of information.

What can we do in the face of so much unchecked power?

On August 13, 2013, Uprising host Sonali Kolhatkar interviewed Reverend Rick Hoyt of the First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles about why his church has joined a broad coalition of groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Green Peace, the Council on American Islamic Relations, Free Press, Human Rights Watch, and the Bill of Rights Defense Committee to sue the NSA over violations of Americans’ First Amendment Rights.

Watch a video of the interview here:

Visit for more information.

Michael Casey recorded this interview.

One response so far

One Response to “Rev. Rick Hoyt on Why His Church is Suing the NSA”

  1. Claireon 13 Aug 2013 at 10:58 am

    Unfortunately, as we contemplate the liberty-for-security bargain we’re being offered by our government, our human brains are wired to make a terrible miscalculation:
    –>”This is Your Brain on Terrorism”

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