Aug 16 2013

Daily News Flash for August 16, 2013

Daily News Flash | Published 16 Aug 2013, 10:44 am | Comments Off on Daily News Flash for August 16, 2013 -


Uprising’s Friday guest expert Adele Stan, longtime chronicler of the right wing, and senior Washington correspondent for, analyzes today’s news headlines:

Egyptians have convened a “Day of Rage” today in protest of mass killings by the Army this week. Tens of thousands of Egyptian protesters answered the call of the Muslim Brotherhood to march in the streets of Cairo, with reports of clashes breaking out already hitting the news. More than 630 people were killed this week in a massacre that has drawn the attention of the international community. President Obama yesterday canceled a joint military exercise with the Egyptian Army but stopped short of cutting off aid.

The latest revelation in the NSA’s spying program comes in the form of an exclusive report from the Washington Post this morning. The Post obtained documents from the whistleblower Edward Snowden showing that a 2008 NSA audit revealed the agency had broken the law thousands of times in its efforts to spy on Americans and foreigners without warrants.

And finally, after a month of occupying the State Capitol in Florida to pressure Governor Rick Scott on the Stand Your Ground Laws, the activist youth group called Dream Defenders has decided to take their fight to their communities. Dream Defenders, who had received prominent support from the NAACP and celebrities like Harry Belafonte, are pushing the passage of Trayvon’s Law, a three-pronged approach to addressing the conditions that led to the death of Trayvon Martin.

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