Sep 04 2013

Coming Up on September 5, 2013

We’ll cover the on-going Congressional debate over a US military strike on Syria with analyst John Nichols. And, two Syrian exiles, Jay Abdo and Fadia Afashe, join us to discuss what Syrians feel about the push for war. Plus, we’ll examine Governor Jerry Brown’s Prison Realignment plan to ease overcrowding in California’s notorious prison system.

One response so far

One Response to “Coming Up on September 5, 2013”

  1. Erinon 05 Sep 2013 at 9:01 am

    I want to comment after listening to the 2 exiled Syrians Jay and Fadia. We are Arabs who have opposed the so-called “protests” around the Arab world and the resulting chaos that has ensued. The American government always uses taxi cab drivers and pizza restauranteurs as informants to understand Arab nations and the Western media always uses atheist, pro-Western, “liberals” appealing to the West for rescue. These are not well-informed adequate representatives to speak for an entire nation.

    Let me point out an error in your logic: If foreign powers are coming in to foment division, unrest, and instability in your country, why are you appealing to these same foreign powers for help? Why appeal to nations with a history of imperialism, colonialism, and utter exploitation of your nation as your friends? Even more ridiculous, you appeal to them to uphold “human rights and democracy”. Open your eyes. You are the solution you are seeking. Yes, you need to formulate political parties and develop patriotism and fight. You are humilitating the pride of Syria to beg President Obama on the radio for help.

    I’m sorry for all the suffering going on. The Arab world is made into pawns by Britain, the U.S., France, Israel, Qatar, and the Saudis. But it will probably take many centuries for the Arab “liberals” to understand the trickery in receiving foreign “aid” and to reject it.

    Would Americans beg another country for rescue to fix our politics? Thank God No.

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