Nov 22 2013

Typhoon Haiyan and The Politics of Relief

Just days before Typhoon Haiyan crashed into the Philippines, the United States was in negotiations with the Filipino Government to increase its troop presence in the country. On November 8th, the day Haiyan made landfall, those negotiations became a non-issue. One of the worst recorded storms in world history had left over 5,000 people dead, over 1,600 missing, over 23,000 injured and 4 million people displaced. In a country which has seen its share of deadly typhoons even these numbers were staggering.

While President Benigno Aquino toured the devastated areas deflecting blame from his own government for mismanaging the relief efforts, the US military saw a perfect opportunity to mobilize its troops to help the former US colony. The USS George Washington aircraft carrier arrived to aid the Filipino people with 21 helicopters, 80 aircraft and 5,000 sailors. Now, two weeks after the storm hit, relief efforts are slowly reaching the most severely affected.

Adding to the severity of the situation is the fact that climate change will guarantee more Typhoons like Haiyan in the future as global warming becomes a tangible reality. In countries like the Philippines poverty, corruption, poor governing and climate change fueled by the excesses of Western consumption combine to create a disastrous consequence for people.

GUEST: Kuusela Hilo is the Volunteer Coordinator for Task Force Haiyan and Country Coordinator for the US Chapter of International League of People’s Struggle

Kuusela Hilo recommends and for more information and how you can donate.

All donations for relief efforts go directly to people affected. You can follow #TabangEV and BALSA community page on Facebook for updates of the relief efforts in the Philippines.


WHAT: “Peace by Piece” Hip hop event
WHEN: Saturday, November 23, 2013, 7pm to 10pm
WHERE: PYFC – 715 Pico Blvd. Santa Monica, Ca. 90405.
DETAILS: NAFCON and Anakbayan LA are Filipino organizations working to raise money for the relief effort to help the Filipino people recover from typhoon Haiyan. The PYFC youth will dedicate the organization’s Peace by Piece Hip Hop event to the people of the Philippines. The event will feature live performances by Santa Monica youth and presentations on the relief effort.

WHAT: “Hope for Haiyan: A Fundraising Event”
WHEN: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 11 am to 3:30 pm
WHERE: Tribal Cafe, 1651 W Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90026
DETAILS: The OTAY Group Charity in collaboration with Tribal Cafe & NAFCON (National Alliance for Filipino Concerns) will hold a fundraiser event to honor and remember victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda. The short program will consist of musical performances, testimonies, and messages of support from community members. Raffle items include artwork, handmade bracelets by PB designs, and beauty & wellness services from local community.

WHAT: Joyful Noise featuring Jubilant Voices and Special Guests in Concert
WHEN: Sunday November 24, 2013, at 4 pm
WHERE: Holman United Methodist Church, 3320 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles CA 90018
DETAILS: Holman’s concert is a benefit for relief and recovery efforts in the Philippines.

WHAT: “Change the System, Not the Climate”
WHEN: Thursday December 12, 2013 at 6:30 pm
WHERE: 2325 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA
DETAILS: An educational discussion and presentation on the systemic issues relating to Typhoon Haiyan. Learn more about the environmental conditions, lessons learned, and ways we can support genuine relief and social change. There will be a potluck dinner at 6:30 followed by a presentation and discussion starting at 7 pm.

One response so far

One Response to “Typhoon Haiyan and The Politics of Relief”

  1. Nikoleon 22 Nov 2013 at 6:47 pm

    Correction: The last event “Change the System, Not the Climate” is in Long Beach, CA (not LA).

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