Jul 22 2014

Daily News Flash with Robert Jensen on Latest in Gaza War, New HRW Study on FBI Entrapment, and Texas Deployment of National Guardsmen to Border

Daily News Flash | Published 22 Jul 2014, 9:51 am | Comments Off on Daily News Flash with Robert Jensen on Latest in Gaza War, New HRW Study on FBI Entrapment, and Texas Deployment of National Guardsmen to Border -


Uprising’s guest expert Robert Jensen, an author and a professor of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin, analyzes today’s news headlines:

The Israeli war in Gaza has continued unabated, with more than 600 Palestinians killed, a third of them children. Operation Protective Edge, whose ground invasion began last week, has been widely condemned by the international community with the exception of the US and some of its allies. Meanwhile it has now been confirmed that one Israeli soldier is indeed missing, bolstering Hamas’ claim that it has captured a soldier. US Secretary of State John Kerry, who called Israel’s war “appropriate and legitimate,” is currently in Cairo, Egypt, meeting with Egyptian officials and UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon to attempt to negotiate a ceasefire. But Israeli authorities have told the press that a ceasefire was “not on our agenda right now.” Click here for a Guardian newspaper article about the story.

A new report has found that many of the terrorism cases in the US after September 11, 2001 were a result of FBI entrapment. The study, conducted by Human Rights Watch and Columbia University Law School’s Human Rights Institute, examined 27 high profile cases in which they found that the Federal Bureau of Investigation relied far too heavily upon entrapment and, in the words of the report, “may have created terrorists out of law-abiding individuals.” The report decried the negative impact such an approach has had on the government’s relationship with Muslim Americans saying the FBI may have “alienated the very communities the government relies on most to report possible terrorist threats.” Click here for an RT.com article about the story.

Texas governor Rick Perry has decided to deploy 1,000 National Guardsmen to the US-Texas border in response to the influx of Central American child refugees. The cost of deployment will be $12 million a month. Critics are concerned it will only further militarize a highly militarized border area. Perry justified his bold action by saying, “I will not stand idly by while our citizens are under assault, and little children from Central America are detained in squalor.” Click here for an RT.com article about the story.

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