Oct 27 2015
A Global Call To Kick Corporations Out of Climate Negotiations

GUEST: Katherine Sawyer, International climate organizer at Corporate Accountability International.
The last round of international talks on climate change ahead of the December United Nations COP21 meeting in Paris just wrapped up in Bonn, Germany. The 5-day Bonn meeting was supposed to result in a draft agreement for curbing greenhouse gas emissions that country representatives would hash out and, hopefully, adopt in Paris.
But activist groups used the Bonn meeting as a launching pad for a new campaign called Kick Big Polluters Out. They are calling on corporate interests to be absent from climate negotiations. The campaign builds on the findings of a UK based publication called Influence Map which shows the undue influence fossil fuel corporations have had, and are likely to have on a global climate treaty that is desperately needed to save humanity from climate chaos.
Find out more at www.kickbigpollutersout.org.
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