Nov 09 2015

President Obama is hosting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today in what is sure to be a meeting filled with tension. It is the first time that the two heads of state are meeting after the US signed the Iran nuclear deal, that Obama has touted as central part of his foreign policy legacy. Obama and Netanyahu had butted heads over the deal, with the Israeli leader openly criticizing his appeasement of Iran.
The meeting comes just days after Presidential candidate and former Obama cabinet member Hillary Clinton wrote what many characterized as a “love letter” to Israel. Late last week Clinton published an op-ed entitled “How I Would Reaffirm Unbreakable Bond with Israel – And Benjamin Netanyahu.” In it she said, ” For me, fighting for Israel isn’t just about policy — it’s a personal commitment to the friendship between our peoples and our vision for peace and security.”
In other international news, Myanmar just held its first democratic elections in more than 5 decades. Sunday’s elections are another step toward the opening up of the nation after years of dictatorship under a military junta. Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, who has only been freed from her house arrest for a few years, is confident that her party will win the elections by a landslide. In unofficial results announced this morning, her party declared a 70% win in big cities like Yangon. But in areas where minority groups are dominant, her win was less secure. While she is championed as a human rights activist, Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi has remained relatively quiet on massive government abuses of ethnic minorities like the Rohingya, who claim that there is a program of genocide being waged against them.
In domestic news, walkouts are happening at the University of Missouri this morning after a weekend of tensions between students and university administration. At least 30 African American football players at Missouri declared over the weekend that they would not play until the university president resigns. Black student groups have long been complaining of discrimination and racism on the mostly white campus. The Black atheletes joined a growing sit-in on Sunday. They issued a statement that read in part, “”The athletes of color on the University of Missouri football team truly believe ‘Injustice Anywhere is a threat to Justice Everywhere…We will no longer participate in any football related activities until President Tim Wolfe resigns or is removed due to his negligence toward marginalized students’ experience. WE ARE UNITED!!!!!” University President Tim Wolfe was confronted in October by black students blocking his car during a home coming parade. On tomorrow’s Uprising we’ll turn to Cristina Mislan from the University of Missouri for more.
In other news, Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s appearance on Saturday Night Live this weekend irked a good many people. The racist candidate’s appearance generated massive ratings for NBC. Trump followed up on his appearance with four interviews on Sunday talk shows. The free publicity that his campaign received was likely worth far more than what he could buy in political advertising. In the lead up to his appearance, the Latino advocacy group launched a campaign calling on NBC to drop Trump and hire regularly featured Latino actors instead. In a petition, Presente said, “Donald Trump’s rhetoric is not only offensive and racist – it is dangerous, and has already led to violence against Latinos several times. By allowing Trump to host Saturday Night Live, you are validating this inflammatory rhetoric as acceptable mainstream discourse.”
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders’s campaign also seems to have a problem with Latino voters. In a campaign stop in Las Vegas, Nevada Sunday night, Sanders’s campaign pulled out all the stops, hiring a Mariachi band at a rally in a soccer field. The problem was that the attendees were mostly white. According to the Guardian newspaper, “Latinos largely shunned the call to “feel the Bern”, leaving the crowd to dance stiffly to the Mexican music and a question mark over the campaign’s prospects in Nevada.”
And finally, as we head into the thick of shopping season with Black Friday rapidly approaching, the group Fight for 15 is holding a series of nationwide rallies tomorrow, November 10th. Fast food workers, who have been a critical part of the campaign to organize for $15 an hour in minimum wages, will be walking out in cities across the country tomorrow. Organizers hope it will be the “biggest ever nation-wide strike.” More information is at
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