Jan 28 2016
All Eyes on Iowa and New Hampshire

GUEST: John Nichols is writer for the Nation magazine, a contributing writer for the Progressive and In These Times, and associate editor of the Capital Times in Madison, Wisconsin.
In a searing blow to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, who served under Clinton’s husband, has written in favor of her rival Bernie Sanders. In a blog post, Reich said, “I’ve known Hillary Clinton since she was 19 years old, and have nothing but respect for her. In my view, she’s the most qualified candidate for president of the political system we now have. But Bernie Sanders is the most qualified candidate to create the political system we should have, because he’s leading a political movement for change.”
There are just days left before the very first state in the primary election picks a candidate for the Democratic party. The Iowa caucuses – which are not an election – will be held on Monday February 1st, and so far Clinton and Sanders are within a couple of percentage points of one another.
Where Republicans are concerned, it appears as though nothing can stop the juggernaut of Donald Trump’s political momentum to grab his party’s nomination.
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