Mar 18 2016
From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation

GUEST: Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Assistant Professor in the Department of African American Studies at Princeton University, and author of the new book, From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation.
The Black Lives Matter movement has transformed the national conversation on anti-black racism in the United States. While most of the flashpoints have centered on police violence, the movement has raised its links to institutional racism and creatively confronted politicians.
The movement has links to past movements for civil rights and yet is quite unique. The injustices it tackles are similar and yet different. Navigating the history of the US and the challenges facing the Black Lives Matter movement in a new book ‘From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation’.
One Response to “From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation”
If black Americans need anything in the nation it’s protection from one another! The lie of movement is police are targeting blacks in unprecedented numbers! They have been raised to hate the country distrust law enforcement and avoid helping police solve violent crime that plagues every major city that blacks make up the majority!
Instead of working with leader, politicians,parents, & police to better combat the downward spiral you allow the media to replay confrontations that tend to be legal only to decry the system! Instead of saying “though you might be feel angry about the reason for being detained by police try cooperate fully to avoid any violence”!
Instead of that you have a subset of Americans who believe any stoppage is rooted in racist dogma! Now of course this is untrue! Police deal with blacks more because the neighborhoods tend to be more violent! The only people who can solve the problems facing Black Americans are Black Americans! Better parenting, & especially for fathers to be in the lives of their children married or not! There has to be a national movement to highlight how important fathers are in every child’s life! Anti Male dogma has taken root and caused major disruptions in child rearing! Fathers tend to be the law in families! They teach boys especially how become young men and live a honest life! We teach them how to defend themselves and to protect the weak! So much is lost when men are either deadbeats in deciding they could care less, or the system beats us down!