Dec 15 2006

Pollution in El Monte

Feature Stories | Published 15 Dec 2006, 9:27 am | Comments Off on Pollution in El Monte -


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Gregg IndustriesGUESTS: Joe Blackburn and Tina Ta, residents of El Monte, organizers and activists, Jane Williams, Jane Williams, Chair of the Sierra Club Toxics Task Force and a member of the Sierra Club National Air Committee

The South Coast Air Quality Management District in November 2006 ordered an El Monte metal parts manufacturer to take immediate steps to reduce pollution that was affecting residents. At a hearing the control agency for Orange County called the pollution a “potential threat” to the health and welfare of residents, and ordered Gregg Industries to adopt 16 operating conditions, including switching to lower-polluting materials, to reduce odors from its metal casting operations. The odors are believed to originate from volatile compounds used in the mold manufacturing process. Gregg Industries is located immediately adjacent to homes and near an elementary school. The company makes resin molds that are used to cast metal automotive parts. The Air Quality Management District had already issued two violation notices in October and November of last year in response to numerous complaints from residents. Residents have lodged many additional complaints with the Air Quality Management District this year and earlier this week, the AQMD held another hearing on Gregg Industries.

The next hearing of the AQMD will be on January 10th at 9 am in Diamond Bar.

To complain about the pollution of Gregg Industries, call 1800-CUT-SMOG (1800-288-7664).

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