Oct 13 2009

National Campaign Targets CNN and Lou Dobbs

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The New York Times reported yesterday the CNN anchor Lou Dobbs is being courted by the Fox Business Network. According to one source cited, Fox News Chairman Roger. E Ailes recently met for dinner with Dobbs who was considered at the time as a ‘potential hire.’ The Fox Business Network has recently added two new hosts, Don Imus and John Stossel, to their roster. For the moment, the anchor remains with CNN and as reported by the Times, a spokesperson from the network offered no comment on the issue. Whether or not Fox ultimately acquires Dobbs, a movement to oust him from the airwaves continues with their national campaign. Citing rising hate crimes against Latinos and the role media personas play, the Basta Dobbs effort seeks to educate the Latino community about the dangers of giving the CNN anchor a prime time platform. The campaign organized by Presente.org in conjunction with numerous groups across the nation has caught the attention of Dobbs. On a recent program last month, he referred to Roberto Lovato of Basta Dobbs, as a “flea” and a “bozo.” The spokesperson responded by citing a survey of 100 major Latino leaders of which 70 percent said that organizing against Dobbs was a “good idea.”

GUEST: Roberto Lovato, co-founder of Presente.org and spokesperson for the Basta Dobbs campaign For more information, visit www.bastadobbs.com

One response so far

One Response to “National Campaign Targets CNN and Lou Dobbs”

  1. anonymouson 21 Oct 2009 at 10:46 am

    Ed Herman and David Peterson wrote:
    There is much talk these days about the growth of a lunatic fringe on the right that threatens political rationality and even the governability of the country. But much more important is the structural lunacy that causes supposed “centrists” to choose the funding of a growing war machine, constantly improved methods of killing, and permanent war as an unchallengeable centerpiece of policy and resource use in a world of growing inequality, huge infrastructure needs, and major environmental threats. Indeed, structural lunacy is now built into the system and poses a greater threat than rightwing lunacy, which flows in good part from the impact and propaganda of the primary lunacy.
    full article:

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