Apr 23 2010

Abu-Jamal in Conversation with Dr. Cornel West

Feature Stories | Published 23 Apr 2010, 11:18 am | Comments Off on Abu-Jamal in Conversation with Dr. Cornel West -


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supreme courtThis Saturday marks the 56th birthday of political prisoner and death row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal. Activists across the United States from Texas to Washington D.C. are marking the occasion by organizing various events aimed at raising awareness of the status of his case. Abu-Jamal, who has been imprisoned on Pennsylvania’s death row since 1982 for the shooting death of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner, suffered a significant legal setback in January that increased the prospects of a looming execution date. The Supreme Court reversed an appeals court ruling on requiring a new sentencing hearing for the political prisoner who has continued to maintain his innocence throughout. Ahead of Abu-Jamal’s birthday this weekend, we present a conversation the award-winning journalist recently had by telephone with Princeton professor Cornel West. The audio of the exchange between the two that took place last month at Labyrinth Books in Princeton, New Jersey was made available by Prisonradio.org

GUESTS: Cornell West, Professor at Princeton University and author of numerous books including “Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud”, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Award winning journalist and Political Prisoner

More info at www.prisonradio.org.

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