Jun 18 2010

KPFK Fund Drive – Day 10

Feature Stories | Published 18 Jun 2010, 10:17 am | Comments Off on KPFK Fund Drive – Day 10 -


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freshFresh! The Movie

A recent investigation by the US Center for Disease Control across 14 states has found salmonella contamination in Marie Callender’s brand Cheesy Chicken and Rice frozen meals, manufactured by the giant agribusiness, ConAgra. The frozen meals are being recalled from all over the country. Stories such as this do not seem to garner much attention these days, as we seem to have gotten used to routine contamination of our foods by dangerous bacteria and microorganisms like Salmonella and E-coli. But such outbreaks are clearly a symptom of our national food production system that rewards factory farming and vast monocultures, resulting in produce soaked in pesticides and chemical fertilizers over diverse, small-scale, pesticide-free farming that was a staple of decades past. Standard meat production relies on squeezing farm animals into such confined spaces that it is routine to administer antibiotics against the inevitable diseases that arise. It seems as though the family farmer is a dying breed. Or is it?

A growing awareness among the public and farmers about the benefits of small-scale, local, family-farming, has helped foster a revival of a bygone era in food production. A brand new documentary called simply Fresh, profiles family farmers who have braved the pressures of investing in pesticides and factory farms and have instead chosen to grow clean food in harmony with natural ecosystems instead of being at war with nature. Fresh features Michael Pollan, the acclaimed author of Omnivore’s Dilemma, In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto, and Food Rules. It also profiles nationally recognized urban farmer Will Allen, and Good Natured Family Farms based in Kansas. The film offers a clear path toward healthy, clean food that’s good for the planet, good for workers, good for animals, and good for consumers.

Find out more about the film at www.freshthemovie.com.

Please patronize our local partners and thank them for supporting KPFK:

Sconeage Bakery, online at www.sconeage.com.

South Central Farmers Cooperative, online at www.scfcoop.southcentralfarmers.com
On Spring Cafe at the LA Historic State Park, 1279 North Spring Street, Los Angeles. Hours are Tues – Fri 7 am to 3 pm, Saturday, 10 am to 3 pm. Visit them on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Los-Angeles/On-Spring/108511822526198

Cinnamon Vegetarian Restaurant, 5511 North Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90042, online at www.cinnamonvegetarian.com

Ardenwoods Edibles, a small Family run Culinary Nursery in Pasadena, a wholesale growing grounds selling kitchen garden starts, online at www.ardenwoodsedibles.com.

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