Oct 01 2010

New Documentary and Propositions Focus on the Politics of Redistricting

Feature Stories | Published 1 Oct 2010, 10:28 am | Comments Off on New Documentary and Propositions Focus on the Politics of Redistricting -


gerrymanderingEach state in the U.S. redraws the boundaries of its electoral districts every 10 years, following the US Census. 2010 is a Census year and so the complex and often corrupt process of redistricting will soon begin nationwide. Propositions 20 and 27 on California’s November ballot each tackle redistricting, and they are in direct opposition to each other. Both are reactions to Proposition 11, the successful 2008 ballot initiative that created a Citizens’ Redistricting Committee, which shifted the power to redistrict away from state legislators to an independent 14-member commission. Currently, drawing the boundaries for STATE legislative districts is within the purview of the the new Citizen’s Committee. Prop. 20 would expand its power to include redistricting for Congressional districts. Prop. 20 supporters say that when state legislators are tasked with drawing up electoral boundaries their self-interest causes Gerrymandering, districts that are deliberately drawn to favor one candidate. The Yes on Prop. 20 campaign is also the NO on Prop. 27 campaign. If passed, Prop. 27 would eliminate the Citizen’s Redistricting Committee and return the redistricting process back to state legislators. Prop. 27 is supported by state legislators who say the independent commission is too expensive for the state to maintain in times of fiscal crisis. Although the Citizen’s Committee was approved two years ago, it is still under construction and cannot meet until the federal government releases the necessary census data on population. Just in time for the election a new documentary, “Gerrymandering”, takes an entertaining yet critical look at the nationwide problem of biased redistricting.

GUEST: Derek Cressman, Western States Regional Director for Common Cause

Find out more at www.commoncause.org. Common Cause recommends Yes on Proposition 20 and No on Proposition 27. Find out more at www.yes20no27.org.

The film Gerrymandering opens at the Nuart Theater on October 15th. The Nuart is located at 1272 Santa Monica Boulevard, just a few blocks west of the 405 Freeway in West Los Angeles. There is also a special screening of the film on October 3rd at UCLA.

Find out more about the film at www.gerrymanderingmovie.com.

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