Feb 22 2011

Huffington Post: AFL-CIO Polls Show Wisconsin Supports Protestors, Opposes Walker

WASHINGTON – New polling conducted for the AFL-CIO and shared with The Huffington Post shows Wisconsin voters siding with the state workers, unions and protestors by large majorities and expressing net disapproval of Republican Governor Scott Walker

The Democratic polling firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research conducted two surveys among likely voters in Wisconsin this past week, one fielded between Wednesday and Sunday last week (604 live interviews, margin of error +/- 4%) and the second fielded Saturday and Sunday (402 live interviews, margin of error +/- 5%).

Both surveys began with questions about Walker’s performance as governor and more general popularity ratings of Walker, Senate Democrats and other players on both sides of the controversy. The results of the two surveys on these questions were within sampling error of each other: Walker’s approval rating is now net negative, with the disapproval rating reaching or slightly exceeding 50%. Meanwhile, the favorable ratings of “Democrats in the State Legislature” are slightly better and net positive (47% favorable, 38% unfavorable on the Saturday-Sunday sample).

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Huffington Post: AFL-CIO Polls Show Wisconsin Supports Protestors, Opposes Walker”

  1. Sam Osborneon 22 Feb 2011 at 3:01 pm

    The nation’s best economic times and rise in the middle class came during those in which organized labor was strong and growing. This period runs from the time troops coming home in victory from WWII and on up until union-busting Reagan came into office. During the union-growth period, thanks in large part to the fighting struggles of the working people of Wisconsin, more people lived better than at any time in the history of mankind and they were confidant their kids would live even better.

    Then from Reagan, who during his period in office ran up the largest debt in the nation’s history and secured noting of national value with it, down to George W. Bush and Cheney who blew a surplus left by Clinton and also ran up an even larger debt than Reagan but could not even deal with Katrina devastation, it has been downhill with rusting and rotting infrastructure, indebtedness to China, loss of jobs, decline in the standard of living and wealth stuffed into the pockets of plutocrats that own the Republican Party—and now down in here in Iowa we got a new well-owned governor who increasingly looks more like Porky Pig stammering, “Tha,’ tha…a,’ that’s all folks!”

  2. Sandraon 25 Feb 2011 at 9:44 am

    The time for labor unions is past. There is OSHA to protect workers from unsafe work environments and wage minimums to protect all workers from laboring for less than a set wage.

    That’s what the private sector lives with. You know them….the ones who put up the money so that they can hire people. And then when they unionize, the unions take over and suck the life out of them like leeches.

    The unions and their employees aren’t the ones who signed on the dotted line and stand to lose everything they have built. The unions and their employees aren’t the ones to came up with the cash and the products that are marketable.

    Pah! Unions disgust me. It’s for people without skills who want to be treated as a select (and privileged) workforce.

    Ridiculous. Get out and work for a living. Out here if you don’t do your job, you get fired. You don’t get a set raise every year. We don’t get retirement plans, medical plans, dental plans. You people are living in a communist view where the workers control everything.

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