Dec 05 2007

US-Peru FTA Approved

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Peru FarmersGUEST: Laura Carlsen, Director of the Americas Program at the Center for International Policy. She is based in Mexico City

The US Senate overwhelmingly approved a bilateral trade agreement yesterday between the United States and Peru. As the first trade deal between an Andean nation and the United States, the Peru Trade Promotion Agreement will gradually phase out all tariffs on U.S. goods and products in Peru while expanding access to Peruvian service markets. In legislatively approving the first trade deal of the year, Senate Democrats lent the agreement bipartisan support after revisions to the original proposal included labor and environmental standards. Critics contend that such measures in Peru will lack enforcement and do not ensure environmental standards and conservation. They also argue that despite small modifications to the bill, it will likely result in social stratification and instability. Emboldened by yesterday’s vote, President Bush urged Congress to act quickly and favorably on a pending trade agreement with Colombia so as to counterbalance the regional influence of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Other bilateral trade agreements with Panama and South Korea await Congressional approval.

One response so far

One Response to “US-Peru FTA Approved”

  1. greggon 05 Dec 2007 at 1:23 pm

    colombia really needs to be certificate of this trade i hope democract must know that this trate is very important

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