Jan 11 2012
Citing “Bitter Politics of Envy,” Romney Wins Bigs in New Hampshire
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney continues to lead the pack of GOP Presidential hopefuls after winning 39% of the vote yesterday in the New Hampshire primary. Congressman Ron Paul came in second with 23% of the vote and latecomer John Huntsman, former Governor of Utah, took third place with 17%. In this six all-men race the remaining three candidates failed to break 10%. Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum tied with 9.4% each, and Texas Governor Rick Perry did not even capture 1% of the New Hampshire vote. This morning the candidates have their sights set on the January 21st South Carolina primary and will begin stumping today, joining Perry who is betting big on a win in the South to keep him in the race. Mitt Romney took New Hampshire amid an all out attack on his business past with Bain Capitol, which made millions during Romney’s tenure even while shuttering manufacturing plants and laying off workers. Romney told ABC’s Good Morning America his rivals’ tactics represented “the bitter politics of envy” and was sure to be responsible for their loss of votes. However, he is not as confident about his chances in the Palmetto State, calling the upcoming election in South Carolina a “battle.” Doing much of the fighting for the candidates again will be their supporting corporate-sponsored Super PACS, and about $3.5 million have already been spent purchasing ad time.
GUEST: Adele Stan, is the Washington bureau chief for AlterNet and Uprising Election 2012 analyst
Read Adele Stan’s article about the New Hampshire primary here: http://tinyurl.com/6ue64jl
Read Adele Stan’s article about media coverage of the New Hampshire here: http://tinyurl.com/7e7q4td
2 Responses to “Citing “Bitter Politics of Envy,” Romney Wins Bigs in New Hampshire”
Why Mitt Romney is not an Every Man or an Average Joe and Never Will Be
What a prick