May 08 2008
Los Angeles Janitors Begin Strike
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GUEST: Raphael Leib, organizer with SEIU, Myra Tovias, janitorial worker in downtown Los Angeles
Los Angeles janitors launched unfair labor practice strikes yesterday at strategic locations across the county. Hundreds of janitors reportedly walked off the job at about 20 buildings on LA’s Westside starting last night around 10 pm. The strikes are the result of stalled contract negotiations. Janitors are still working without a contract and have voted to authorize a strike. The Los Angeles County Federation of Labor has already voted to honor picket lines while encouraging members from over 300 unions to support the Justice for Janitors efforts. The workers’ demands are simple: they want fair pay and workplace rights. Meanwhile, janitors in Orange County, who clean large commercial buildings such as the Fashion Island and Irvine Spectrum, has already voted overwhelming to strike. Many of the workers in the Service Employees International Union local 1877 report earnings of only $18,000 a year. Such a salary makes it extremely difficult for janitors to live in and around the areas that they work. The Orange County Labor Federation, like its Los Angeles counterpart, has voted to overwhelmingly honor their picket lines.
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One Response to “Los Angeles Janitors Begin Strike”
Hola sr. Rafael aller llebe documentos al sr. jorge para comprobar mi senoria no e podido ir hoy pues pues mi esposo esta desabilitado ya no pudo regresar a su trabajo despues de las cirujias y tengo que alludarle con su trabajo que puede acer aqui en la casa poreso abeses no puedo llegar atiempo antes de las 12;00 estoy tratando de ensenarme a manejar este medio de comunicacion. Espero ir lo mas pronto que pueda hojala tenga tiempo de revisar los papeles y me tenga buenas nuevas yo revisare su respuesta cuando regrese de trabajar le agradesco de antemano. atte. Maria Lourdes Torres