May 03 2012

Uprising’s Extended Special May Day 2012 Los Angeles Coverage

Feature Stories | Published 3 May 2012, 10:35 am | Comments Off on Uprising’s Extended Special May Day 2012 Los Angeles Coverage -


On Tuesday May 1st, activists around the world took to the streets opposing austerity measures and cuts to public programs among other things, in commemoration of International Workers Day. Hundreds of thousands of people marched in countries like the Philippines, Malaysia, India, Russia, Greece, Spain, France, and the UK. Here in the US, New York saw the biggest marches with tens of thousands of people in the streets and a few dozen arrests. The most violent clashes between police and protesters took place in Oakland and Seattle. In Oakland, as night drew, hundreds of people rallied in Frank H. Ogawa Plaza with a few confronting police – twenty five people were arrested. In Seattle, several protesters are accused of fomenting property damage and assaulting police officers. Here in Los Angeles, tens of thousands of people gathered from four directions, North, South, East, and West, starting in the early part of the day, and converging toward downtown Los Angeles. Marchers included union members, immigrant rights activists, students, teachers, LGBTQ rights activists, and many more. While hundreds of police officers were present, and some clashes broke out, LAPD officers showed relative restraint. The resulting media coverage focused largely on traffic jams, and arrests, according to a report yesterday by the media watchdog group, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR). Today we bring you our extended coverage of May Day from KPFK’s crew of reporters that were all over the city on Tuesday.

Uprising interns Ankur Patel and Kevin Walker, followed by Sojourner Truth interns Eric Doyle and producer Sara Shakir, filed these reports.

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