Aug 12 2013

Dream Defenders Launch Trayvon’s Law To Address Racism in Justice System

A group of young activists are determined to not let George Zimmerman’s acquittal be the last word in the killing of Trayvon Martin.

Calling themselves the Dream Defenders, a number of youth started camping out in front of Florida Governor Rick Scott’s office days after the verdict came down.

Demanding that Governor Scott investigate the Stand Your Ground Laws in Florida that they say encouraged Zimmerman, as well as other issues of racial injustice, the Dream Defenders have drafted a new piece of legislation called ‘Trayvon’s Law.”

They hope the three-part law, if it gets the support of lawmakers, could address the racial inequities of the legal system in Florida and the nation at large.

Having garnered the support of high profile community members like the Reverend Jesse Jackson, Harry Belafonte, and Talib Kweli, and groups like the Advancement Project and the NAACP, the Dream Defenders may well be the focal point for justice for Trayvon Martin.

GUEST: Ciara Taylor, Political Director of Dream Defenders

One response so far

One Response to “Dream Defenders Launch Trayvon’s Law To Address Racism in Justice System”

  1. Rob Davison 15 Aug 2013 at 6:27 pm

    Jesse Jackson is in prison where he belongs. Trayvon Martin was on drugs, casing the neighborhood at night in the rain. George Zimmerman was simply doing his job watching him – it was his turn on Neighborhood Watch, and he immediately called Police.

    Trayvon, a racist, didn’t like being followed by a “kracker”, although George Zimmerman was actually Hispanic, and after losing him, doubled back and ambushed Zimmerman – the Neighborhood Watch guy doing his job.

    Zimmerman repeatedly called for help, and not ONE neighbor came to his aid, although he was being “pummeled MMA style” according to the ONLY WITNESS, WHO WAS BLACK.

    If you want to blame anyone for Trayvon’s death, start with him, the neighbors, and the slow Police response. Zimmerman was clearly acting in self-defense.

    All of you people attacking “Stand your ground” laws because Jackson, Sharpton, and Obama told you to are media-brainwashed idiots without the ability to think for yourself.

    Trayvon Martin got exactly the Justice he deserved.

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