Jun 03 2006

Report from the Z Sessions

From June 2nd, through June 6th, 30-40 people various parts of the US and world have gathered in Woods Hole, Massachusetts organized by Z Communications (which runs Z Magazine, Z net, Z Media Institute, Z Video Productions). The goal is to discuss “Vision and Strategy” for a new and just world. The attendees were invited by Michael Albert and Lydia Sargent of Z, from among their existing network of friends and colleagues. Albert is known for developing a theory of “Participatory Economics,” or “Parecon.” He hopes that the seeds of a new organization, or some sort of grouping can be born at this gathering, that would promote the ideas of Parecon to broader communities.

Each day, there are 3-4 presentations on various topics of interest to the participants, related to vision and strategy. I am recording the sessions and hope to bring back interviews on the topics being discussed for our audiences at KPFK.

Yesterday Marie Trigona of the Grupo Alavio Video and Direct Action Collective based in Argentina, discussed the self-management movements in Argentina, and worker controlled, recuperated factories. Gregory Wilpert, a writer from Venezuela discussed a theory based on a paper, “Linking Post-Capitalistic Alternatives.” Tom Wetzel, a labor historian from the Bay Area, shared a very interesting paper critiquing the US trade unionist movements and suggesting exciting alternatives to independent worker organizing. Finally Michael Albert discussed his theory of Participatory Economics and asked the question of how it could be implemented.

Information about Z sessions is available online, as well as some of the papers being presented.

One response so far

One Response to “Report from the Z Sessions”

  1. hienon 04 Aug 2006 at 12:17 pm

    Hi, I think this is very cool what these people are doing. My question is how are we going to raise enough concerns in order for the people to stop, think and act as a majority over these few jenious who think the rest of the world is made up of cattles and slaves for them to manipulate and exploit? I think the biggest obstacle here is how to educate and inform the mass of what exactly is going in their world and how the world will end up if it continues to be run by the the few geniuos. sorry for my unpolish english.

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