Dec 07 2006

CNN’s Glenn Beck Flirts with Facism

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Glenn BeckGUEST: Steve Rendall, Senior Analyst at Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), and co-host of Counterspin

Recently WMAL Radio host Jerry Klein suggested on his show that all Muslims in the United States should be identified with a crescent-shape tattoo or a distinctive arm band. Claiming later in the show that he was staging a hoax, Klein was shocked when the phone lines jammed instantly. While many callers were angry, many others supported this Nazi approach. But it’s not uncommon these days to find media commentators making overtly anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and racist statements. Take CNN’s Glenn Beck. The New York Times recently profiled Beck, calling him “brash” and “opinionated,” with an “unfiltered approach.” This conservative talk-radio host-turned-cable news announcer, the paper reported, “take[s] credit for saying what others are feeling but are afraid to say.” But what the New York Times failed to mention was Glenn Beck’s open calls for Muslims and Arabs to be put into concentration camps.

For more information, visit Read the action alert on Glenn Beck:

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “CNN’s Glenn Beck Flirts with Facism”

  1. Travison 13 Dec 2006 at 8:01 am

    This Glenn Beck guy is totally brilliant and accurate. I’m glad he’s saying what I’ve been thinking. As a student at a liberal college in Philly, I can’t discuss facts because the professors would kill my grades. The conservative students don’t have a microphone, but fortunately Glenn Beck does. Oh, and he does NOT advocate concentration camps. He was warning about what could happen if the extremist muslim factions continue to scare us all.

  2. Geneon 21 Dec 2006 at 9:35 am

    Funny, I don’t find that Glenn Beck has made a “threat” rather a prediction of a coming event if the “Moderate Muslims” don’t do a better job of controlling the jihadist. I don’t see anywhere in your “Uprising” an equal disgust with the Pres of Iran’s rant against Israel. So much for “FAIR”.

  3. adminon 21 Dec 2006 at 9:51 am

    Actually we did cover Ahmedinejad’s antisemitic, holocaust-denying antics with his recent conference. The entire story can be found here:

  4. Geneon 21 Dec 2006 at 1:01 pm

    Again I state, “there is no equal disgust in the straight reporting of the holocaust conference.” It appears to be a true journalist’s recap of the conference without any rhetoric.

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