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In speaking to reporters yesterday at the White House, President Barack Obama announced the need for immediate restructuring to save the American auto industry. The President’s statements came a day after he asked General Motors Chief Executive Officer Rick Wagoner to resign. After the auto corporation led by Wagoner failed to submit adequate restructuring plans in …
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An anniversary that went almost entirely unnoticed in the US press this week marked a war that sought to legitimize humanitarian military intervention in the modern world. Ten years ago on Tuesday, forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO, began a 78-day bombing campaign targeted the Balkan nation, known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, in the name …
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Twenty years ago today, the oil tanker Exxon Valdez departed from the Alaskan fishing port of Valdez. The ship’s captain, Joseph Hazlewood, was under the heavy influence of alcohol when the the Exxon Valdez hit a reef off the coastline of Prince William Sound. The resulting oil spill, one of the largest and most catastrophic in …
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U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced yesterday a new one trillion dollar plan to purchase toxic assets from failing banks. According to Geithner, the newest bailout is designed to generate investment; however, Nobel Prize winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman sharply criticized the plan saying that it will be ineffectual. President Obama’s key …
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On Thursday, Attorney General Eric Holder issued new Freedom of Information Act guidelines marking a sharp departure from the previous Bush administration. In a statement Holder said, “By restoring the presumption of disclosure that is at the heart of the Freedom of Information Act, we are making a critical change.” In line with President Obama’s expressed desires to …
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As unemployment rates in the United States continue to rise as part of the current recession, food insecurity is increasing along with it. In December 2008 Feeding America conducted a survey of food banks across the nation that showed a 30 percent increase in demand for assistance. The latest figures from the U.S. Department of Agriculture state that 36.2 million Americans …
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In the early morning hours of October 28th 2008, a 20 year old named Julian Alexander was fatally shot by an Anaheim police officer. Alexander’s crime: he was standing in his own front yard, attempting to protect himself and his pregnant wife with a stick in hand. Oh, and he happened to be black. The white …
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In a sharp about-turn from the Bush Administration, the Justice Department announced on Friday that it would drop the designation “Enemy Combatant” – a category widely used to justify imprisoning terrorism-related suspects over the last 8 years. Former president Bush used his authority as commander-in-chief to unilaterally hold prisoners without charge, indefinitely. The controversial term “enemy combatant” was …
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Often marked as “safe and gentle”, children’s bath products are found to be anything but by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. This nonprofit coalition of environmental groups is the first to document the widespread contamination of children’s products with two known carcinogens: Formaldehyde and 1,4-dioxane. None of the products tested by the coalition …
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President-elect Barack Obama hopes to sign an economic stimulus plan as his first action after he takes office on January 20th. The $775 billion “American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan” includes, among other things, tax breaks for businesses and middle class Americans, investing in infrastructure development, and offering direct aid to states to help preserve crucial …
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