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The fatal police-shooting of a 15 year old boy in Greece earlier this month has sent shock waves throughout the country with thousands of mostly young people revolting. The protests began in an Athens district called Exarchia — described by one commentator in Spiegel as “a traditional haunt of artists, anarchists and left-wing …
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On Sunday the Iraqi cabinet finally approved the so-called Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the United States. The security pact, which sets a timetable for the removal of U.S. forces from Iraq by December 31st, 2011, is currently being debated before the 275 seat Iraqi parliament. Expected to come to a vote before …
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Accused of killing 65 Afghans in yet another wedding party massacre last week, US military officials are now claiming that they have evidence of the Taliban holding the party hostage to lure US forces into killing the civilians and stoking more anti-American sentiment. The accusation came from an anonymous US official who declined …
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While the two presidential candidates get ready for their final debate tonight, you may recall their first meeting on a national forum was at Saddleback Church in Orange County. Barack Obama was criticized for accepting the invitation in America’s most Republican county. Today we’ll spend the hour looking at the significance of Orange County and it’s place in the national political …
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The International Atomic Energy Agency yesterday announced that North Korea intended to restart its production of nuclear weapons grade materials. In June, North Korea publicly blew up one of its cooling towers at the Yongbyon Nuclear complex as an act of good faith after reaching an agreement last year within the framework of the …
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Defense Secretary Robert Gates yesterday during his visit to Afghanistan expressed regret at civilian deaths in a recent US air strike – and then used it to justify sending more troops to Afghanistan. On August 22nd, a US air strike killed 90 Afghan civilians, mostly women and children, according to on-the-ground reports. The US has …
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The streets of St. Paul last week showcased an era of repression whose starting point can be identified as September 11th 2001. Hundreds of protesters, bystanders, and journalists outside the Republican National Convention were hauled away to jails under the pretext of “domestic terrorism” and many of them now face felony charges. When the twin …
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President Bush this morning announced that Russia must withdraw all its troops from Georgian territory immediately. He denounced Russia’s actions as “bullying and intimidation” and vowed to stand with Georgia. While the war between Russia and Georgia continues to escalate and the casualties continue to mount, the US media is blithely commenting on how …
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The highly organized teachers of Puerto Rico have faced violent repression in their fight for labor rights and quality education. The Federacion de Maestros de Puerto Rico or FMPR, represents over 40,000 teachers and is the largest independent union in Puerto Rico. In February 2008 teachers voted to strike after working without a …
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Hip Hop activist and independent journalist Rosa Clemente recently accepted Green Party Presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney’s invitation to be her running mate. A 36 year old South Bronx native of Puerto Rican decent, Clemente delivered her acceptance speech last Saturday at the Green Party National Convention in Chicago. Citing everyone from hip hop group …
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