“Newswire” archives

May 23 2013

MotherJones: New Louisiana Law Will Jail Journos for Publishing Gun Info

Newswire | Published 23 May 2013, 11:37 am | Comments Off on MotherJones: New Louisiana Law Will Jail Journos for Publishing Gun Info -

On Tuesday, the Louisiana Senate passed a bill that would imprison and fine journalists who intentionally publish information about the state’s concealed-carry handgun permit holders. Reporters who violate the law would face penalties of up to $10,000, six months in jail, or both; public safety officials and police officers who leak permit information to the press would face penalties of up to $500, six months in jail, or both. Journalists in Louisiana say the bill …

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May 23 2013

AlJazeera: Dubai’s striking workers in their own words

Newswire | Published 23 May 2013, 11:34 am | Comments Off on AlJazeera: Dubai’s striking workers in their own words -

Dubai, United Arab Emirates – A strike by low-wage workers at Arabtec – the construction giant building the Louvre museum in Abu Dhabi, a branch campus of New York University and a series of other megaprojects – has ended after police entered labour camps and immigration services issued a series of deportation notices.

United Arab Emirates security forces converged on camps operated by Arabtec on Monday, workers told Al Jazeera, and labourers continue to receive deportation …

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May 23 2013

GlobalPost: Living in the shadow of ‘fair and lovely’

Newswire | Published 23 May 2013, 11:30 am | Comments Off on GlobalPost: Living in the shadow of ‘fair and lovely’ -

KARACHI, Pakistan — There’s no shortage of sunlight in this city. Overcast days are rare, and the mid-afternoon sun is so searingly bright, I actually have to wince my eyes shut and wait for the sunspots to clear before I can see again.

So imagine my surprise when a recent blood test showed that my vitamin D levels are so low my doctor called for injections.

“Vitamin D shortages can cause muscle failure, bone decay and serious …

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May 23 2013

EUobserver: Amnesty: EU states guilty of racism, homophobia

BRUSSELS – Several EU countries abuse the rights of migrants and ethnic minorities, while others are not doing enough to combat homophobia, Amnesty International has said.

The British-based NGO named 24 EU states in its annual report on rights abusers out on Thursday (23 May).

Rough treatment of refugees from Africa and Asia, harsh enforcement of counter-terrorism laws against Muslims and naked racism against Roma people emerged as systematic problems in Europe.

Despite previous promises to the European …

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May 23 2013

EUobserver: Hungary awards top journalism prize to anti-Roma broadcaster

BRUSSELS – An anti-Semitic and Roma-bashing TV broadcaster in Hungary has received the country’s top journalism prize.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s right-wing government awarded Ferenc Szaniszlo the Tancsics Prize for journalism on Friday (15 March).

Szaniszlo works at the pro-government Echo TV channel.

He was fined €500 by the state media regulator in 2011 for calling Roma people “apes.” He is also known for spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories during his TV shows.

Hungary’s minister of resources Zoltan Balog handed …

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May 23 2013

MailOnline: That’s whey too bad for our environment! How the toxic by-product of Greek yogurt is causing a world-wide pollution problem

Newswire | Published 23 May 2013, 9:36 am | Comments Off on MailOnline: That’s whey too bad for our environment! How the toxic by-product of Greek yogurt is causing a world-wide pollution problem -

The benefits of eating Greek yogurt for breakfast have been widely documented, but the liabilities to the environment are little known.

A by-product of Greek yogurt, called acid whey, is causing a world-wide toxic waste problem, and scientists are scrambling to find a way to fix it.

For every four ounces of milk used in the production of Greek yogurt, only one ounce becomes creamy, edible yogurt. The other three ounces transforms into acid whey, a fast-growing …

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May 23 2013

RT: UK’s colonial past a possible factor in brutal Woolwich killing

Newswire | Published 23 May 2013, 9:27 am | Comments Off on RT: UK’s colonial past a possible factor in brutal Woolwich killing -

The Woolwich attack in the UK has already been branded as the latest manifestation of global Islamist terrorism. However, it has also been suggested the attack was backlash for the UK’s history of colonialism and intervention in the Middle East.

The UK government has branded the brutal attack on a soldier in Woolwich, East London, as a “sickening and barbaric” act of terrorism, although the terror allegation has not been officially confirmed. In video footage of …

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May 23 2013

Grist: Connecticut Senate passes GMO-labeling bill

Newswire | Published 23 May 2013, 9:24 am | Comments Off on Grist: Connecticut Senate passes GMO-labeling bill -

Does your mouth water at the thought of corn that’s engineered to produce a poison that kills insects? If not, Connecticut might be the place for you.

The state’s Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly passed legislation that would require food manufacturers to label products that contain genetically engineered ingredients such as GM corn. The bill sailed through on a 35-1 vote, and now moves to the state House.

From the Connecticut Post:

Speaker of the …

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May 23 2013

The Nation: The First Couple’s Post-Racial Bootstrap Myth

Newswire | Published 23 May 2013, 9:19 am | Comments Off on The Nation: The First Couple’s Post-Racial Bootstrap Myth -

First lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama were the respective featured commencement speakers this year at Bowie State University and Morehouse College—two historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) founded nearly 150 years ago. While the Obamas could have taken the opportunity to inspire black graduates entering an uncertain future, both chose, instead, to pepper their remarks with problematic and unobliging stereotypes about black youth. While doing so, both also conveniently neglected to call attention …

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May 23 2013

The Nation: ‘Primal Scream’ for reform; 77% Vote to Overturn Citizens United

Newswire | Published 23 May 2013, 9:13 am | Comments Off on The Nation: ‘Primal Scream’ for reform; 77% Vote to Overturn Citizens United -

America is experiencing a rare and dramatic moment of grassroots advocacy for fundamental reform of our elections.

Unfortunately, the political and media elites that define our discourse are doing their best to ignore it.

So it remains in America as it has ever been; Thomas Jefferson was indeed right when he suggested to George Mason that: “More attention should be paid to the general opinion.”

And the general opinion is that the money power, while has come to …

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